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Crypto Assets

Crypto Assets

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is an all-digital, encrypted, virtual currency that can be used in barter transactions. For some, it is the currency of the future.

Today, cryptocurrencies are a phenomenon that has been heard by many people and has attracted a lot of attention from heads of state to giant companies. Cryptography is used to verify and securely execute swap transactions. It has no physical counterpart.

In fact, money spent and transferred with debit and credit cards are also virtual currencies, because as a result of these transactions, only system data changes. Cryptocurrency also has the same principle of working. However, there is a decentralized system that is not managed by any authority or government, which makes the system more secure.

Why cryptocurrency trading?

Trading cryptocurrencies can be a very lucrative experience. Due to its speculative nature, the price of cryptocurrencies can be highly volatile and large fluctuations can occur in a given time frame. It's normal to see cryptocurrencies go up and down as much as 20% in a single day or week.

High profit potential

Investors prefer cryptocurrencies for more volatility and more profit on successful trades.

Reliable Trade

By using hedge orders, traders can protect their positions against excessive market fluctuations and trade with peace of mind on a secure platform.

Most Adopted Digital Assets

W2FOREX, offers the most popular and liquid cryptocurrencies on the market, Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS and Litecoin.

Why Buy and Sell Cryptocurrencies with W2FOREX?

High Liquid Power Vehicles

Trade cryptocurrencies with our fast, secure and reliable platform. Benefit from high liquidity, many advanced features and trading tools.

Competitive Fee Schedule

Enjoy the best trading conditions in the markets, available on all cryptocurrencies, with low spreads and low fees.

Personalized Trading

Your transaction interface; Personalize it with features like multi-monitor functionality, a variety of professional trading tools, and 24/7 customer service.

Enhanced Graphing Tools

Experience a range of different chart types, more than 50 trading indicators, and the ability to trade directly from the charts.

Cryptocurrency is a form of digital money that can be exchanged for goods and services. Cryptocurrency was developed after the 2008 financial crisis as an alternative to existing banking.

This new system idea was developed by a person or persons under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. In 2009, Nakamoto published a white-paper describing the concept as well as the software for Bitcoin, the first and most famous cryptocurrency.

Thus, new cryptocurrencies began to appear. These Bitcoin alternatives are often referred to as altcoins. There are more than a thousand altcoins today.

Although there are more than 3,000 cryptocurrencies in the world today, Bitcoin held more than 90% of the total value of all cryptocurrencies for many years, and only a handful of them existed. The arrival of the todays cryptocurrency, from being known only to a limited number of enthusiasts, to breaking into mainstream finance and public consciousness globally at the moment. Over time, the number of people involved in cryptocurrency and the value of the market continue to increase exponentially.

Cryptocurrencies have consistently outstripped all other financial asset classes throughout their lifetime; this has greatly fueled the continued increase in the number of cryptocurrency investors and the amount of investment flooding into the global crypto asset markets. Cryptocurrency trading can be quite lucrative as the natural volatility found in crypto markets offers permanent opportunities to execute profitable trades. W2FOREX provides up to 12,000 transaction open speeds per second and an advanced reliable platform built into our platform, including multi-signature cold storage, mandatory Bitcoin whitelisting, hardware security modules.

Offering unique functions and solutions with loyal communities around the world and heavily featured in news coverage and social media, cryptocurrencies are growing rapidly in popular culture.

  • Bitcoin

    Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and has the most recognition and reputation of all cryptocurrencies. For example, institutions or merchants that accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment are more likely to accept Bitcoin than other digital currencies. Widespread adoption appears to be key to the long-term success of this digital currency. For this reason, it can be said that Bitcoin is one step ahead of its competitors. In addition, Bitcoin is often called "digital gold" because it can be produced in limited numbers. This scarcity in production is a feature that increases the value of Bitcoin and indicates that this increase may continue in the future.

  • Ethereum

    Ethereum is a system that was first introduced at the North American Bitcoin Conference by Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin. Although it is generally seen as an altcoin, Ethereum is an innovative system that aims to develop block chain technology and use it in more areas.

    Ethereum in short is a Crypto Operating System that takes the cryptocurrency Ether (ETH) as its power source. The aim is to enable users to create new software on the block chain system that Bitcoin is connected to. Thanks to this freedom that Ethereum provides to users, it allows to issue many altcoins.

  • Ripple

    It is a cryptocurrency developed by the Ripple Labs company in 2012. Ripple, one of the cryptocurrencies that has been gaining value continuously since its release, has become an investment tool for many people. Ripple is also briefly launched as a payment protocol. It is written in C++ as a programming language. Ripple is used a lot in terms of money transfer in the International Foreign Exchange market. Ripple company currently serves more than 300 financial institutions. It is a cryptocurrency protected by Blockhain technology. The current version was published in 2018. Ripple is among the most valuable cryptocurrencies. It is a US-based cryptocurrency.

    Ripple also allows money to be sent via the internet. Among the original authors of this cryptocurrency are Arthur Britto, David Schwartz and Ryan Fugger. Ripple is one of the most reliable cryptocurrencies. It is a famous company with offices almost all over the world. Ripple cryptocurrency has its advantages. Accordingly, you can transfer money internationally in a very short time with low costs through this crypto money.

  • Litecoin

    Litecoin was developed in 2011 by Charlie Lee, a former Google employee who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Although Litecoin has the same working principle as Bitcoin, there are some differences between them.

    Litecoin, which has the feature of being the first altcoin, emerged with the aim of transferring money at very low costs. It also offers more storage possibilities than other cryptocurrencies.

    This digital currency, which is traded on the open-source blockchain system and is not connected to any center, increases its value day by day.

Cryptocurrency trading on margin is a type of derivatives contract that increases price movements. This makes the earnings much more profitable, but also increases the risk.

A complete loss of capital is possible for those who are not experienced in risk management. However, the risk can be minimized by using the tools offered by W2FOREX. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose.

Trading crypto using CDFs was the best solution overall. By not having to own the underlying asset, you are not tied to holdings through mobility and instead traders can profit from it on long and short positions.

Bitcoin-based margin trading accounts are available on W2FOREX for as low as $100 on initial deposit. After making a deposit, users can deposit funds into their trading account in as little as a few clicks.